How would you describe Essex, NY?

How would you describe Essex, NY?

How would you describe Essex, NY? What words or images would you choose?

It’s the final countdown to one of the biggest days of the year in Essex, New York, and I’m wondering what words or images would you use to describe or characterize our fair village on Lake Champlain.

View of Essex, NY photographed by John Bingham

View of Main Street in Essex, New York (photo credit: John Bingham)

The Essex on Lake Champlain word cloud above was created with Wordle, a free online “toy” that generates text graphics from websites or specific text that you provide. According to the creative folks at Wordle their program gives “greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text.”

So what can we learn from this word cloud? Community is BIG in Essex! Parade and church are biggies too, though our upcoming 4th of July in Essex celebration is partly responsible for that. With about three dozen posts on our new site, this word cloud will certainly evolve in the months and years ahead. And season to season it will be fun to see what changes.

View of Essex, NY (photo credit: John Bingham)

View of Essex Town Hall in Essex, New York (photo credit: John Bingham)

But enough words. What about images? We all know how many words a picture is worth, right? So I would like to challenge you to “describe” Essex in photographs, drawings and any other sort of image which inspires you. Submit your images (and/or words, if you prefer) including your name to the Essex on Lake Champlain Facebook page.

The two evocative photographs in this post were submitted by Essex resident, John Bingham. (Thanks, John. Great photos!) Do they capture your Essex? What’s your perspective? Share the Essex you know and love!